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Last weekend I had the kind of dirty weekend that puts all of my dirty weekends, ever, to shame.

I really had no idea what to expect, nor did I have any expectations. I just wanted a fun weekend of finding out about things I didn’t even know existed, like anal electrosims.

I thoroughly enjoyed Erotica, we made a day out of it. A few people have been critical of the event, I have my own criticisms too. I was hoping to see some high quality toys that I usually find hidden away in back street boutiques taking centre stage. I was hoping for more fetish, we found a little tent upstairs, but because we found it late, we missed most of the demonstrations. What I saw was a lot of mass-produced toys and clothes I could find anywhere.

Enough of the bad, I’ve made my point that even as someone who is new to these fairs there is still room for improvement, but was still a really good day over all. What I did like, was everything else.

The Shows

On the main stage was the Erotica Dance Seduction show. I felt the whole thing was quite tame, except one performance. I was literally left breathless and tingling in the pants region watching these two men dance.

Main stage

I found the Torture Garden stage much more entertaining, in hindsight, why didn’t they make them the stars of the main stage? The highlight of this stage for me was, Hamish McCan. Simply amazing. Being a bit of pole dancer myself, it gives me great pleasure to see a skill I am learning performed by the best. Especially when that best is a very attractive young acrobat who takes off his top as part of the routine. I posted a video of it here. Phew! And here’s an interview with a closer view of this charming chap.

Torture Garden stage Burlesque

And finally, the Dreamboys! Never seen a male strip troupe before, so naturally I found a seat in the front row. The introducer of the show was a cocky shit and basically most of the performance followed suit! Once you got over the sheer arrogance of it all its hilarious and entertaining! Although, not the least bit sexy.

Except this chap…


Clearly a classically trained dancer or gymnast. I have a thing for real professionals.

In between the shows @HungryJoe and I spent the day steadily drinking and wondering the stalls. We bumped into people we knew from the Erotic Meet which was fantastic! It was also a delight to talk to people we didn’t know. Everyone was friendly, approachable and more than happy to share their knowledge, take pictures or generally have a flirt. What the stalls lacked, the people made up for.

The Stalls

My favourite was the Bound4Bondage stall, showcasing handmade solid wood & leather clad furnature for less than you would pay for a sofa. Simply beautiful and elegant, I found myself planning my own dungeon! I even got in the stocks for giggles. Plus there was a puppy in a cage, maybe he had been a bad dog.

< Authors note: I got the stalls mixed up, Spot, pictured below, corrects this in his blog.
“The stall that is described as doing the wooden furniture is not Bound4Bondage, but is instead MIV Fetish Furniture. The cage is actually metal, and made by Bound4Bondage – and the majority of the toys they sell are metal.”
Thanks Spot! So lovely to pat you!> 

He wasn't for taking home.

We found a stall selling Electrostims. I had no idea what these were all about before Erotica, I remember saying something like, ‘It goes where?!’ When the gentlemen minding the stall invited us to try one out. I put the electrode in my hand while he slowly turned up the voltage. It felt good.

These go where?!

‘More.’ I said, ‘More!’

I was already wondering what it would feel like on different parts of my body.

I came away with a corset and an alarm vibrator. Which I shoved in my knickers in the bar of the Hilton during our after party drinks with the Erotic Meet crew. When the night was over, I wondered towards the train station with a big grin, very sore feet and an aroused vagina.

Not your average garden gnome